Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Forgive my complaining

I guess you have to get it out sometimes and today must be my day for that! I am sooo frustrated with doctors, I guess just the whole damn medical system,maybe I just expect to much from doctors I know they cant know everything but I want ANSWERS I WANT SOMEONE TO HELP US it is VERY stressful when Owen bites himself and we cant get him to stop. Thanks to all the helpful drs therapists etc that say ohh just tell him to stop! Well DUH like I haven't already thought of that? Ya that does a load of friggin good lemme tell ya! I cant get the drs to fill out papers he needs for school and for that matter even call me back. I am about at my breaking point with all of this going on I just want to scream sometimes but what good does that do? Sooo just have to keep on keeping on, what else is there to do?

There are so many times I just feel so alone not sorry for myself because I am blessed to have all of my children and everything that comes with it even the not so fun stuff....I want someone to understand and while I know people who arent going thru the same things cant really comprehend what it's like it would be nice to have some support now and again. This is very lonely and I dont want to burden anyone with my problems there is many worse things going on in the world. There are many day when I feel like I am going to lose my mind I just cant make Owen happy and it seriously just kills me inside.

Where did I go wrong? How could I have done this to him? I love him the way he is but I feel so responsible for everything he is going thru WHY DID MY BODY HAVE TO SCREW HIM OUT OF BEING A NORMAL KID? I DID THIS TO HIM and will probably never forgive myself I just hope he does.

I was hoping to take O to Oklahoma City to a geneticist and some other drs there but dont have names of anyone that are familiar with CFC Syndrome I have to do more searching and hope to find someone that could possibly do a complets work up on him any and all prayers would be appreciated.
Anyway I guess that is it for now.

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