Sunday, March 16, 2008

I have said it before....

guess it is really true this time, I AM not a great mother I feel like I have tried but I just cant take the crap anymore. Alex moved out I dont know for how long it will be she is living with a friend as of yesterday. I cant take the lies,stealing,she has in the past used drugs and taken more meds than she is supposed to she doesnt do her school work etc. She is really confused right now i think and Im not sure what to do to help her so she is on her own. She stole money from me and somethings that are really no big deal, but they are MINE why cant she understand that? I must admit although I love her, I no longer have a headache and I dont feel stressed. I know I know people are saying why would you let a 15 yr old do what she wants? And I can understand that, but it not only affects me but rich and the boys. I dont know when and if she will be back we will see I guess I almost dont want her here right now ya I know that sounds bad. I have tried to get her into the childrens home, girls home etc but they wont take her well that is not entirely true, the girls home would but I cant afford to pay them to take her. Now to let her bio father know that she no longer lives here wont that be fun!

We will be going to KC for an appt for Owen on the 4th of April we are taking him and O and mil to great wolf lodge I hope they have fun we all have been thru the ringer lately, I have been consumed with alex and her issues I dont feel I have given the boys my all. I hope its fun we will be there for 2 nights cant wait! Im not good at praying and I do try but if you would pls say a little prayer for our family and my sanity I would appreciate it!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Blog Challenge from da OASIS

*Where did you meet your husband? on a blind date
*What was the first thing you said to your husband? hi
*Where was your first date? players sports bar
*Where was your first kiss? his house a wk after we met
*Where did you get married? Good Shephard Episcopal Church
*How long have you been married? 10 yrs
*How long did you date? 8 months
*Long or short engagement? short
*How old is he?40
*Who eats more?He does
*Who said I love you first?He did
*Who is taller?He is just by and inch
*Who sings better?Oh def. Rich he used to sign Karaoke
*Who is smarter? umm probably him
*Whose temper is worse? mine
*Who does the laundry? I do
*Who does the dishes? the dishwasher but i load them :-)
*Who pays the bills?I used to but he has his bills and I have mine
*Who mows the lawn?Rich
*Who cooks dinner? we both do usually me but when he doesnt work he loves cooking
*Who drives when you are together?depends i'd sa its 50/50
*Who is more stubborn? Rich shhh dont tell him I said so
*Whose parents do you see the most? he sees his parents 3x a wk and I see my mom every wk or so
*Who proposed?he did
*Who has more friends?Rich, I dont have any
*Who has more siblings? he does....unless you count the step sibs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So much going on!

The kids have all been sick well alex just once but the boys have been on and off for a few there is strep and lice going around at school. We are good so far knock on wood!
We didnt make it to the KC trip but are trying to reschedule and now the dr wants us to also see a Neuro there as well, Im hoping we can get the trips within the same time frame so we only have to go once. It is so hard having to go elsewhere even tho it is only a couple hrs Owen wont enjoy being in the van that long. When he is done he is D O N E done!
I got a call from assistive technologies yesterday morning and they said they had a gait trainer for Owen WOOHOO they are extremely hard to come by so I was very blessed to have already gotten one for him I hope when he gets used to it he will try and walk. It is difficult sometimes for me to realize he may never walk, I am OK with it but I just want one or two steps I dont mind if Owen needs a walker I would really love to see him take a step one day.

Alex, to make it short and sweet she is having a little bit of issues with her ex friend nothing like the racial comments but when is it going to end? Now she is going to mug her supposedly. Alex is being such a pain, I found out 2 wks ago she is failing WHY? Well she chooses not to turn in her work and suit up for P.E. I am at the point of this:she is 15,in high school if she does or doesnt that is up to her I cant make her do things I have tried I guess now is the time for her to make it or break it. Ethan is doing fairly well, he is a very smart kid and has learned alot this yr. They want him to go to a transitional 1st grade class,because he is having some trouble with some is TOTALLY my fault as when Owen was born we got busy caring for him and didnt work with cutting letters numbers etc. Ethan really has come a long way since starting kdg. He can do great he is just still fairly immature...special thanks to dad on that one!
I am getting bday supplies together ethan wants a pirate party I think we are going to ask the kids to dress as pirates! Ethan told me the other day, I want to invite my cousin and he is invited to get me a present. WHAT A SILLY BOY! He def. has my sense of humor! I guess I better get the kids ready for school.