Friday, March 7, 2008

Blog Challenge from da OASIS

*Where did you meet your husband? on a blind date
*What was the first thing you said to your husband? hi
*Where was your first date? players sports bar
*Where was your first kiss? his house a wk after we met
*Where did you get married? Good Shephard Episcopal Church
*How long have you been married? 10 yrs
*How long did you date? 8 months
*Long or short engagement? short
*How old is he?40
*Who eats more?He does
*Who said I love you first?He did
*Who is taller?He is just by and inch
*Who sings better?Oh def. Rich he used to sign Karaoke
*Who is smarter? umm probably him
*Whose temper is worse? mine
*Who does the laundry? I do
*Who does the dishes? the dishwasher but i load them :-)
*Who pays the bills?I used to but he has his bills and I have mine
*Who mows the lawn?Rich
*Who cooks dinner? we both do usually me but when he doesnt work he loves cooking
*Who drives when you are together?depends i'd sa its 50/50
*Who is more stubborn? Rich shhh dont tell him I said so
*Whose parents do you see the most? he sees his parents 3x a wk and I see my mom every wk or so
*Who proposed?he did
*Who has more friends?Rich, I dont have any
*Who has more siblings? he does....unless you count the step sibs.

1 comment:

Norma Gwen Watson said...

You forgot about me, I am your friend!

So how are you all doing?

We are doing much better here!